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• 3 high-resolution RetroGlitch Smart PSD's (4000x3000).
• 27 high-resolution glitch overlays (4000x3000px .tiff).
• 25 high-resolution screen overlays (4000x3000px .tiff).
• 4 high-resolution texture overlays (4000x3000px .tiff).
• 3 pixelation brush tool presets.
• 1 in-depth colored instruction PDF
I remember watching football games on my mom and dad's analog television. This was before remotes (you had to twist the channel knob and it made these loud clicks).
The television had rabbit ears. You constantly had to tweak and adjust them to watch your show. And sometimes some weird glitches happened.
RetroGlitch is our way of packaging up all those glitches and imperfections. With this pack you can drop photographs and illustrations into the Smart PSD's and instantly get 100% customizable effects.
Here's some fun facts about the pack:
1. I bought an analog television from Goodwill and tortured textures out of it.
2. We dug deep into the online subculture of glitching to discover what effects were most desirable (then packaged them as overlays)
3. We focused on true retro/analog glitch effects (real noise, pixelation, tube decay, etc.)
4. Just place overlays on top of your work and change the blending mode for instant glitch effects.
5. Place your work in the Smart PSD and click save. Instantly see glitch effects that can be 100% tweaked how you want them.
If you're a designer, illustrator, or developer who likes to experiment in your work this pack is for you. With over 70 different assets and nearly infinite combinations you're sure to find the right touch for your next project.
File Formats: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop and TIFF
Additional software details might be listed above, but please make sure you have the correct software that can support these file formats before purchasing.