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Carefully cut the picture on your cardboard, choose the proper aerosol color and spray it all over! But the fun doesn't end right here: create splatters by smudging the forms with a stencil, adding a bit of freestyle grunge to your creation. The best part about it is that you don't need to go through this procedure in real life, risking to get dirty or receive a too messy result. These Photoshop layer styles will do all the work, sparing you from all the risks!
Get yourself a nice sprayed image by completing a couple of simple tasks! Choose a file, add it to Photoshop and watch the layer styles magic editing your shot. The outcome is realistic spray-painted graphics with some splattered edges. It's an indispensable tool for your badass urban-themed design projects!
The product includes:
- 2 high-quality PSD file;
- 6 paper textures;
- 4500 x 3000 px;
- Help file.
File Format: Adobe Photoshop
Files Included: 2Additional software details might be listed above, but please make sure you have the correct software that can support these file formats before purchasing.