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Recogna 7
Recogna 8
Recogna 9
Recogna 10
Recogna 1
Recogna 2
Recogna 3
Recogna 4
Recogna 5
Recogna 6

Posted on Nov 22, 2024

Sales Rank: 2657


Recogna showcases a particularly chunky and inspires individuality in styles that come across in a variety of bandwidths.

It is comic, bold and emphatic. Designers can clearly express the intentions they want to convey, and customers can perceive them sincerely.


It will also be a great visual solution for promoting various consumer goods such as games, entertainment, gifts, and food and beverages.

The contrast structure of "o, e, c, b, d, g, p, and q" is designed differently from other glyphs, and through them, the overall balance and creative individuality are maintained.

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Affordable Fonts: One-Time Payment, No Extra Fees Save on desktop, web, mobile apps, and ePub fonts with one-time payments at YouWorkForThem. If you're planning on using the product for any large volume, video games, commercial or broadcast/streaming use, you may need to purchase a license extension. anytime for questions or quotes—we’re here 24/7 ready to help.

YouWorkForThem fonts work on Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android and Canva. Licensing for web, eBook, and mobile apps are available under Buying Options. Pay once, enjoy lifetime access—no subscriptions required.

Brenners Template

We criticize our reason, which stands on the ambiguous border between common sense and prejudice.We reject group reason, where prejudice becomes common sense, and pursue the mutual respect inherent in Glyphs.From typography, motion graphics, and editorial design, we constantly strive to ensure that our...

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