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Familiar Pro 1
Familiar Pro 2
Familiar Pro 3
Familiar Pro 4
Familiar Pro 5
Familiar Pro 6
Familiar Pro 7
Familiar Pro 8
Familiar Pro 9
Familiar Pro 10

Posted on Aug 15, 2012


Sales Rank: 1439


This family was inspired by a Type Battle over at Typophile: How would you design a font metrically compatible with Helvetica, but better than Arial? Working with preset letter widths was an interesting constraint, both a relief and a limitation at the same time.I have done all the 4 basic weights, and the skewed obliques (done to a slightly less steep 10 degrees angle as opposed to the originals 12) has been optically adjusted. The letters have been designed quite close to the german/swiss grotesk tradition, but by using super-elliptical rounds, rounded dots and slightly curved outer diagonals the end result is a friendly looking font family that still looks... familiar.

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