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Deviant Strain Font
Font Products, T4009 Deviant Strain
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Complete Family (4 fonts)
$72.00 Add to CartCart DataCart DataCart DataCart DataDeviant StrainDeviant Strain ObliqueDeviant Strain VersionDeviant Strain Version ObliqueView All Fonts -
Deviant Strain
$45.00 Add to CartCart DataCart DataCart DataCart Data -
Deviant Strain Oblique
$45.00 Add to CartCart DataCart DataCart DataCart Data -
Deviant Strain Version
$45.00 Add to CartCart DataCart DataCart DataCart Data -
Deviant Strain Version Oblique
$45.00 Add to CartCart DataCart DataCart DataCart Data
This family of four conists of two versions of the same font, plus their obliques. The "version" fonts have the IDENTICAL kerning and spacing as found in the regular fonts, so it is easy to substitute characters from either version, allowing you to create custom effects.
The regular font is the original design, and the "slits" have only been placed under a few of the key characters to allow a proportioned occurance of them, when setting basic text. If you will not be mixing the versions, it is probably better to use the regular font, as the "slits" in the version font occur more frequently and may spoil the intended effect. Where you will be taking the time to mix the two different versions, in order to better set the text, please note the following differences so that you will have a better idea of how to use them:
(1) Where the slits (found below some of the characters) do not occur on the regular version, you will find characters with the slits in the alternate version. Conversely, a version of the character without the slit can be found in the alternate, where there was a slit in the "regular" character. The only characters which do not have slits (in both versions) are the individual accents and small punctuation characters (e.g. the period and comma, etc.).
(2) All the number and alphabetical characters have been slightly modified in the alternate version, with grunge speckle and character flaws found in different spots on the letters. This allows you to place the same letter from each version side by side, without the characters looking identical.
(3) In the alternate version, all characters have also been staggered a little differently. So again, duplicate letters from each of the fonts will not sit on the same baseline when placed side by side.
When you need a cleaner version which sets without any slits, the full family package includes the Deviant Plain™ Regular font which sets without any
The "version" and "version oblique" fonts are linked as the "bold" and the "bold oblique" for Mac fonts allowing you to toggle between the two versions using the automatic style controls of your favorite page layout or word processing application.
Each font in the Deviant Strain™ family has a full character set of 232+ letterforms, with all characters designed in the style of the font.
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The first TypeArt fonts were born into the world in 1992, when founder Lloyd Springer produced the first of his more than 400 type designs while trying to create something more interesting to use in his graphic art and desktop publishing assignments. In 1995, the first website was launched to make these cool a...
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