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Directors Gothic 230 5
Directors Gothic 230 6
Directors Gothic 230 7
Directors Gothic 230 1
Directors Gothic 230 2
Directors Gothic 230 3
Directors Gothic 230 4

Posted on Aug 20, 2013


Sales Rank: 21247


Handcrafted by Lettering Inc as part of its core library of typefaces in the 1930s, Directors Gothic was dramatically expanded throughout the lifetime of the company and remains a timeless classic. Inspired by the Art Deco movement popular at the time of its creation, Directors Gothic was designed with an eye toward expanded utility for use in advertising headline and smart corporate materials.

Directors Gothic was painstakingly developed from the original font glass masters from the 1930s and includes a full international character compliment, automatic fractionals, ordinals, and an impressively large assortment of alternate characters in dynamic OpenType format.

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Lettering Inc

Founded in 1939 by Edwin W. Krauter in Chicago, Lettering, Inc. produced its own patented Photo-Ray process of lettering (US Pat 2165861) in which transparent letters made from original alphabets were assembled by hand and then placed in a line (angled or curved if so desired) and then photographed. This "glas...

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