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Bodoni Classic Pro 7
Bodoni Classic Pro 8
Bodoni Classic Pro 9
Bodoni Classic Pro 10
Bodoni Classic Pro 1
Bodoni Classic Pro 2
Bodoni Classic Pro 3
Bodoni Classic Pro 4
Bodoni Classic Pro 5
Bodoni Classic Pro 6

Posted on May 11, 2016

Sales Rank: 19586


This is my new, completely worked over and fine-tuned Bodoni Classic for Europe (no Greek and Cyrillic). I have added a set of elegant Swashes (B) and 2 alternating uppercase swirly Initials (C) as well as two lowercase end-letters (D). The fonts A and B have extensive kerning, which the initials (C) don't need, they are aligned to replace the standard capital letter. The lowercase end-letters (D) are aligned to replace the standard lowercase letters, so you might need to add a blank after the swirl. For good measure I throw in an extra set of swings for 1 Dollar (E).

Your Bodoni maniac, Gert Wiescher.

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