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This unique collection of 206 photorealistic illustrations showcases a diverse range of albino animals, capturing their rare and striking beauty. The collection features various species, including cats, dogs, lions, pandas, bears, parrots, wolves, and many others. Each illustration highlights the distinctive traits of albinism, such as the lack of pigmentation and often pale eyes, set against detailed, lifelike backgrounds that bring the animals to life. From the regal stance of an albino lion to the soft, delicate features of an albino cat, each image is crafted with exceptional attention to detail, emphasizing the unique characteristics of these extraordinary creatures. Perfect for nature enthusiasts, educators, and artists, this collection offers a rare glimpse into the natural world’s wonders, celebrating the ethereal beauty of albino animals in all their diversity.
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We believe good ideas can be applied to anything. Even if it’s a slice of bacon, a piece of bread, a handful of seeds or a dozen of eggs it has all chances to become a fabulous typeface. That’s why in 2008 we founded an Estonian-based company called Handmadefont. Back then neither the font industry was that w...