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Use any font to make custom 3D text with cast shadows. These templates with layers of live type will automatically update when you change the font and wording. [See Video Link - right side above product images] A collection of 20 lettering templates (plus a few extra bonus versions) that have dramatic cast-shadow shading effects.
You can use these for t-shirt designs, logos, product packaging, book covers, web banners, or anything else you can think of. These can be placed over ANY background, even place your type over a photo.
These will work with system fonts, purchased fonts, and free fonts.
The great thing about these templates is that you can always go back and change the wording, letter spacing, scale, or typeface and all the shading effects will automatically update. The backgrounds are separate from the type, so those are really easy to change to whatever you would like. Or even place your type over a photo.
PDF Instructions are included that will explain more advanced techniques for those who would like to change the color and shading of the type.
These templates are compatible with Adobe Illustrator CS2 or newer (CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6 and Adobe Creative Cloud).
File Format: Adobe Illustrator
Files Included: 20Additional software details might be listed above, but please make sure you have the correct software that can support these file formats before purchasing.
Dombroski Design, Inc
Ray's extensive background in the surf apparel industry started in 2002. Since then he has designed for many of the top surf apparel brands in California and Hawaii, such as O'Neill, Billabong, Ocean Pacific, BodyGlove, and Local Motion. He is the founder of TheVectorLab, a website that offers graphic design r...