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Make your presentation stand out from the crowd and snag this massive collection of 165 Signs, Shop Facades & Boards. Most likely the biggest collection of its kind ever made available for public use. Use this amazing collection of Photoshop mockups to test your design on a large variety of real shop facades and signage elements.
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These mockups are perfect for:
- Brand identity
- Typography projects
- Shop presentations
- Restaurant, bar, pub branding presentations
- Board presentations
- Chalkboard project presentations
- Menu board promo or presentations
- Portfolio presentations
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Various facade settings and styles include:
- shops
- bars
- restaurants
- pubs
- galleries
- vintage shop
- stores
- Modern facades
- Vintage facade
- Wood and metal facades
- Large window mockups
- Pillar shop mockups
- Store entrance
- Shop canopy mockups
- Store doors mockups
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50 Signs Mockups Features:
- Different size signs from round to rectangular.
- Some photos have additional mockups beside signs itself (sometimes up to 3).
- Contemporary and vintage design styles.
- High quality surroundings.
- Real street surroundings.
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42 Signs (UK Edition) Mockups Features:
- Different sizes signs from round to rectangular and even a star shaped format.
- Some photos have additional facades mockups beside signs itself.
- Contemporary sign design style.
- High quality surroundings.
- Vintage design styles.
- Real street surroundings.
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14 Facades (UK Edition) Mockups Features:
- Up to 12 mockups on single photo
- shop signs
- restaurants signs
- pub signage
- vintage shop signage
- Store entrance
- Store door mockups
- Store window mockups
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8 Board Signs (UK Edition) Mockups Features:
- A board or sandwich signs mockups.
- Long and short rectangular shapes boards.
- Unusual sized boards.
- Wood and metal surfaces.
- Traditional and vintage styles.
File Format: Adobe Photoshop
Files Included: 165Additional software details might be listed above, but please make sure you have the correct software that can support these file formats before purchasing.
Welcome to Hip Shop by Madebyvadim, the place to find unique mock-ups and photos for your next project.