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by Glitch in The System
Posted on May 16, 2016
Sales Rank: 2511
Bokeh has been defined as "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light." Bokeh & Light Leaks is a collection of 22 high-resolution photographs taken for the specific reason of being used as Photoshop overlay layers (screen mode). This is a great way to mimic a lens flare/bokeh/film leak look photographically, without using any cheesy plugins.
All 22 images were created using modified vintage lenses on modern, mirrorless, full frame Sony cameras to get interesting bokeh, leaks and overall lighting effects. The result is a collection of 22 amazing images that you "screen" over your designs, photographs and even 3D renders for a unique look. These images can also work on their own as abstract backgrounds.
All images are saved as 6000x4000 TIFF files, at 300 dpi resolution.
How to Use
This is extremely simple when using ANY version of Adobe Photoshop. Simply open 1 of the 22 images we provide, then select all and copy (to copy the image). Then go to your other open image/project in Photoshop and paste as a new layer over top your image. In the layers panel, on the image you just pasted, change the blend mode to screen (its typically set on Normal by default). That's can scale, rotate and move around the overlay to get the placement and overall effect you want.
File Format: TIFF
Files Included: 22Additional software details might be listed above, but please make sure you have the correct software that can support these file formats before purchasing.
Glitch in The System
Step into the world of Glitch in The System, where art meets technology to create stunning abstract and glitch style stock graphics that will take your design projects to the next level. We have created an exclusive collection of unique and eye-catching designs, available only at YouWorkForThem. These...