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by Theta
Posted on Jun 28, 2016
Sales Rank: 10679
It's hard to believe that YouWorkForThem has been around for 15 years. Time flies when you're having fun and making graphics!
To celebrate our own birthday, we've put together The Swash Collection, an incredible stockpile of 1000 swashes that can be applied to any font - no OpenType needed! These swashes are in vector .EPS format so we recommend that you use a vector editing program. They can be used in Photoshop, just be aware that your editing capabilities might be limited.
To use these swashes, copy and paste a swash into your design, adjust its color to match your existing text, tweak the angle and size however you desire, and you're done! They're super easy to use, and unlike swashes accessed through a font's OpenType function, these swashes are fully customizable!
The design possibilities are truly endless when you consider that, with the addition of some swashy goodness, you can take literally any font to a brand new and totally unique level! Heck, you don't even have to use them in typography - they can be applied to any type of design. Toss them around like confetti and you've got a freaking party on the screen!
Speaking of parties, we want to celebrate our birthday the best way we know how - with a party that refuses to end. For a limited time, we're offering this massive collection of 1000 swashes for just $2. Yeah, you read that right: two bucks! You can't even buy a cup of coffee with that, but you know what you could do? Design a thousand coffee graphics that use these swashes.
File Format: EPS
Files Included: 1000Additional software details might be listed above, but please make sure you have the correct software that can support these file formats before purchasing.