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Do it Yourself  06

Close-up image of a metal screw with a plastic wall anchor against a black background, commonly used in construction and home improvement for secure fastening.

Additional Information: Metal screw in a plastic wall plug. Photo by Martin Hospach.

Has Model Release Form
For Editorial Use Only

Posted on Jan 07, 2016

ID 68875


Close-up image of a metal screw with a plastic wall anchor against a black background, commonly used in construction and home improvement for secure fastening.

Additional Information: Metal screw in a plastic wall plug. Photo by Martin Hospach.

JPEG - 4870 x 3446px

This product is provided in JPEG image format. JPEG images can be opened and edited by all major image and document layout applications.

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fStop is a Berlin-based photo agency that launched in 2002 with the goal of providing the design community with an alternative to the cliché-ridden world of stock photography. Up until late 2014 fStop was part of Fontshop International, a company which was founded by designers Erik Spiekermann and Neville Brod...

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