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Search results for Healthcare Photos: 2000

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Female doctor with pandemic fatigue covering her faceYouworkforthem225694Female doctor with pandemic fatigue covering her face is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Female doctor with pandemic fatigue covering her face
Worried female doctor with hands on faceYouworkforthem225696Worried female doctor with hands on face is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Worried female doctor with hands on face
Female laboratory technician showing vial of coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225697Female laboratory technician showing vial of coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Female laboratory technician showing vial of coronavirus vaccine
Female laboratory technician showing vial of coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225698Female laboratory technician showing vial of coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Female laboratory technician showing vial of coronavirus vaccine
Female laboratory technician examining vial of coronavirus vaccine.Youworkforthem225699Female laboratory technician examining vial of coronavirus vaccine. is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Female laboratory technician examining vial of coronavirus vaccine
Doctor explaining to her patient consent form to coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225536Doctor explaining to her patient consent form to coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Doctor explaining to her patient consent form to coronavirus vaccine
Woman reading consent form for coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225537Woman reading consent form for coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Woman reading consent form for coronavirus vaccine
Woman filling in consent form for coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225538Woman filling in consent form for coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Woman filling in consent form for coronavirus vaccine
Doctor explaining to her patient consent form to coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225539Doctor explaining to her patient consent form to coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Doctor explaining to her patient consent form to coronavirus vaccine
Unrecognizable woman filling in consent form for coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225540Unrecognizable woman filling in consent form for coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Unrecognizable woman filling in consent form for coronavirus vaccine
Unrecognizable doctor explaining to her patient the benefits and risks of the coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225541Unrecognizable doctor explaining to her patient the benefits and risks of the coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Unrecognizable doctor explaining to her patient the benefits and risks of the coronavirus vaccine
Doctor explaining to her patient the benefits and risks of the coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225542Doctor explaining to her patient the benefits and risks of the coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Doctor explaining to her patient the benefits and risks of the coronavirus vaccine
Doctor explaining to her patient the benefits and risks of the coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225543Doctor explaining to her patient the benefits and risks of the coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Doctor explaining to her patient the benefits and risks of the coronavirus vaccine
Patient refusing to sign consent form for coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225544Patient refusing to sign consent form for coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Patient refusing to sign consent form for coronavirus vaccine
Patient refusing the coronavirus vaccine offered by doctorYouworkforthem225545Patient refusing the coronavirus vaccine offered by doctor is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Patient refusing the coronavirus vaccine offered by doctor
Patient refusing the coronavirus vaccine offered by doctorYouworkforthem225546Patient refusing the coronavirus vaccine offered by doctor is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Patient refusing the coronavirus vaccine offered by doctor
Patient refusing the coronavirus vaccine offered by doctorYouworkforthem225547Patient refusing the coronavirus vaccine offered by doctor is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Patient refusing the coronavirus vaccine offered by doctor
Unrecognizable doctor explaining to her patient the benefits and risks of the coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225548Unrecognizable doctor explaining to her patient the benefits and risks of the coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Unrecognizable doctor explaining to her patient the benefits and risks of the coronavirus vaccine
Girl receiving coronavirus vaccine at doctors officeYouworkforthem225550Girl receiving coronavirus vaccine at doctors office is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Girl receiving coronavirus vaccine at doctors office
Girl receiving coronavirus vaccine at doctors officeYouworkforthem225551Girl receiving coronavirus vaccine at doctors office is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Girl receiving coronavirus vaccine at doctors office
Closeup of girl receiving coronavirus vaccine at doctors officeYouworkforthem225552Closeup of girl receiving coronavirus vaccine at doctors office is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Closeup of girl receiving coronavirus vaccine at doctors office
Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael.Youworkforthem225485Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael. is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael
Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael.Youworkforthem225486Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael. is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael
Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael.Youworkforthem225487Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael. is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael
Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael.Youworkforthem225488Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael. is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael
Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael.Youworkforthem225489Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael. is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael
Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael.Youworkforthem225490Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael. is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Sculpture in homage to healthcare personnel made by the sculptor Jose Antonio Navarro Arteaga in marble from Macael
Arm of unrecognizable adult receiving coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225429Arm of unrecognizable adult receiving coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Arm of unrecognizable adult receiving coronavirus vaccine
Senior woman being vaccinated against coronavirusYouworkforthem225430Senior woman being vaccinated against coronavirus is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Senior woman being vaccinated against coronavirus
Senior woman being vaccinated against coronavirusYouworkforthem225431Senior woman being vaccinated against coronavirus is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Senior woman being vaccinated against coronavirus
Doctor showing her patient two different coronavirus vaccine optYouworkforthem225432Doctor showing her patient two different coronavirus vaccine opt is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Doctor showing her patient two different coronavirus vaccine opt
Patient choosing one of the coronavirus vaccines offered by herYouworkforthem225433Patient choosing one of the coronavirus vaccines offered by her is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Patient choosing one of the coronavirus vaccines offered by her
Doctor hands showing two coronavirus vaccine optionsYouworkforthem225434Doctor hands showing two coronavirus vaccine options is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Doctor hands showing two coronavirus vaccine options
Doctor showing two coronavirus vaccine optionsYouworkforthem225435Doctor showing two coronavirus vaccine options is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Doctor showing two coronavirus vaccine options
Doctor showing two coronavirus vaccine optionsYouworkforthem225436Doctor showing two coronavirus vaccine options is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Doctor showing two coronavirus vaccine options
Two different vials of coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225437Two different vials of coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Two different vials of coronavirus vaccine
Two vials of coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225438Two vials of coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
$9.00 In stock2025-03-03
Two vials of coronavirus vaccine
Doctor with thumb up while showing coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225439Doctor with thumb up while showing coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Doctor with thumb up while showing coronavirus vaccine
Female surgeon receiving coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225440Female surgeon receiving coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Female surgeon receiving coronavirus vaccine
Unrecognizable female surgeon receiving coronavirus vaccineYouworkforthem225441Unrecognizable female surgeon receiving coronavirus vaccine is a stock photo by David Pereiras Villagra.
Unrecognizable female surgeon receiving coronavirus vaccine

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