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Search results for Healthcare Photos: 2000

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Crop physiotherapist treating woman during physiotherapy sessionYouworkforthem288012Crop physiotherapist treating woman during physiotherapy session is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Crop physiotherapist treating woman during physiotherapy session
Female physical therapist pulling arms of patientYouworkforthem288014Female physical therapist pulling arms of patient is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Female physical therapist pulling arms of patient
Crop masseur doing massage to client with wooden therapy tools in physiotherapy clinicYouworkforthem288017Crop masseur doing massage to client with wooden therapy tools in physiotherapy clinic is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Crop masseur doing massage to client with wooden therapy tools in physiotherapy clinic
Smiling friendly home caregiver helping senior man in wheelchairYouworkforthem287845Smiling friendly home caregiver helping senior man in wheelchair is a stock photo by fStop.
Smiling friendly home caregiver helping senior man in wheelchair
Friendly male pediatrician with stethoscope examining shy girl patientYouworkforthem287830Friendly male pediatrician with stethoscope examining shy girl patient is a stock photo by fStop.
Friendly male pediatrician with stethoscope examining shy girl patient
Female pediatrician talking with mother and daughter patient in examination roomYouworkforthem287803Female pediatrician talking with mother and daughter patient in examination room is a stock photo by fStop.
Female pediatrician talking with mother and daughter patient in examination room
Female doctor with prescription talking to male patient in office consultationYouworkforthem287793Female doctor with prescription talking to male patient in office consultation is a stock photo by fStop.
Female doctor with prescription talking to male patient in office consultation
Smiling woman talking to dental hygienist during teeth cleaningYouworkforthem287792Smiling woman talking to dental hygienist during teeth cleaning is a stock photo by fStop.
Smiling woman talking to dental hygienist during teeth cleaning
Male pediatrician with stethoscope examining girl patient in examination roomYouworkforthem287789Male pediatrician with stethoscope examining girl patient in examination room is a stock photo by fStop.
Male pediatrician with stethoscope examining girl patient in examination room
Man with clipboard books and blood pressure cuff falling off weight scaleYouworkforthem287697Man with clipboard books and blood pressure cuff falling off weight scale is a stock photo by fStop.
Man with clipboard books and blood pressure cuff falling off weight scale
Close up blood dripping from medical scalpelYouworkforthem287665Close up blood dripping from medical scalpel is a stock photo by fStop.
Close up blood dripping from medical scalpel
Profile spotlight view of brain inside man's headYouworkforthem287654Profile spotlight view of brain inside man's head is a stock photo by fStop.
Profile spotlight view of brain inside man039 s head
Woman with clipboard and books falling off weight scaleYouworkforthem287646Woman with clipboard and books falling off weight scale is a stock photo by fStop.
Woman with clipboard and books falling off weight scale
Close up of a nude woman applying cosmetic cream on her kneeYouworkforthem287320Close up of a nude woman applying cosmetic cream on her knee is a stock photo by fStop.
Close up of a nude woman applying cosmetic cream on her knee
Close up of Feet on Weighing ScaleYouworkforthem287122Close up of Feet on Weighing Scale is a stock photo by fStop.
$50.00 In stock2025-02-25
Close up of Feet on Weighing Scale
Close up of Feet on Weighing ScaleYouworkforthem287121Close up of Feet on Weighing Scale is a stock photo by fStop.
$50.00 In stock2025-02-25
Close up of Feet on Weighing Scale
Pills in Blister Packs on white tableYouworkforthem287115Pills in Blister Packs on white table is a stock photo by fStop.
$50.00 In stock2025-02-25
Pills in Blister Packs on white table
Pills in Blister Packs on white tableYouworkforthem287114Pills in Blister Packs on white table is a stock photo by fStop.
$50.00 In stock2025-02-25
Pills in Blister Packs on white table
Pills in Blister Packs on white tableYouworkforthem287104Pills in Blister Packs on white table is a stock photo by fStop.
$50.00 In stock2025-02-25
Pills in Blister Packs on white table
Pills in Blister Packs on white tableYouworkforthem287103Pills in Blister Packs on white table is a stock photo by fStop.
$50.00 In stock2025-02-25
Pills in Blister Packs on white table
Man Receiving Laser Treatment on FaceYouworkforthem287043Man Receiving Laser Treatment on Face is a stock photo by fStop.
$50.00 In stock2025-02-25
Man Receiving Laser Treatment on Face
Man Receiving Laser Treatment on FaceYouworkforthem287042Man Receiving Laser Treatment on Face is a stock photo by fStop.
$50.00 In stock2025-02-25
Man Receiving Laser Treatment on Face
Close up of Man Measuring WaistYouworkforthem287024Close up of Man Measuring Waist is a stock photo by fStop.
$50.00 In stock2025-02-25
Close up of Man Measuring Waist
Focused masseuse massaging back of clientYouworkforthem287897Focused masseuse massaging back of client is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Focused masseuse massaging back of client
Female physical therapist doing spinal manipulation on patientYouworkforthem287898Female physical therapist doing spinal manipulation on patient is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Female physical therapist doing spinal manipulation on patient
Professional osteopath doing manipulation on hipYouworkforthem287899Professional osteopath doing manipulation on hip is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Professional osteopath doing manipulation on hip
Professional osteopath kneading shoulders of patientYouworkforthem287901Professional osteopath kneading shoulders of patient is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Professional osteopath kneading shoulders of patient
Professional female osteopath using elbow while massaging back of clientYouworkforthem287903Professional female osteopath using elbow while massaging back of client is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Professional female osteopath using elbow while massaging back of client
Female osteopath doing wood therapy on leg of client lying on bedYouworkforthem287905Female osteopath doing wood therapy on leg of client lying on bed is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Female osteopath doing wood therapy on leg of client lying on bed
Caring granddaughter helping disabled grandmother bathe in bathtubYouworkforthem286674Caring granddaughter helping disabled grandmother bathe in bathtub is a stock photo by fStop.
Caring granddaughter helping disabled grandmother bathe in bathtub
Caring senior husband helping disabled wife bathing in bubble bathYouworkforthem286610Caring senior husband helping disabled wife bathing in bubble bath is a stock photo by fStop.
Caring senior husband helping disabled wife bathing in bubble bath
Active senior woman walking with mobility walkerYouworkforthem286602Active senior woman walking with mobility walker is a stock photo by fStop.
Active senior woman walking with mobility walker
Caring female doctor comforting senior patientYouworkforthem286551Caring female doctor comforting senior patient is a stock photo by fStop.
Caring female doctor comforting senior patient
Doctors consulting reviewing x-rays in hospitalYouworkforthem286549Doctors consulting reviewing x-rays in hospital is a stock photo by fStop.
Doctors consulting reviewing x rays in hospital
Daughter visiting talking with aging mother recovering in hospitalYouworkforthem286530Daughter visiting talking with aging mother recovering in hospital is a stock photo by fStop.
Daughter visiting talking with aging mother recovering in hospital
Happy woman in wheelchair laughing with friendYouworkforthem286522Happy woman in wheelchair laughing with friend is a stock photo by fStop.
Happy woman in wheelchair laughing with friend
Close up pregnant woman holding stomach in clinic exam roomYouworkforthem286501Close up pregnant woman holding stomach in clinic exam room is a stock photo by fStop.
Close up pregnant woman holding stomach in clinic exam room
Female nurse in protective mask looking at items on shelfYouworkforthem286469Female nurse in protective mask looking at items on shelf is a stock photo by fStop.
Female nurse in protective mask looking at items on shelf
Affectionate caring female doctor comforting senior patient in hospitalYouworkforthem286441Affectionate caring female doctor comforting senior patient in hospital is a stock photo by fStop.
Affectionate caring female doctor comforting senior patient in hospital
Close up pregnant woman holding baby bump in clinic exam roomYouworkforthem286423Close up pregnant woman holding baby bump in clinic exam room is a stock photo by fStop.
Close up pregnant woman holding baby bump in clinic exam room

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