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Search results for Healthcare Photos: 2000

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Close up pregnant woman holding stomachYouworkforthem286399Close up pregnant woman holding stomach is a stock photo by fStop.
Close up pregnant woman holding stomach
Close up female cancer patient receiving chemotherapy treatmentYouworkforthem286398Close up female cancer patient receiving chemotherapy treatment is a stock photo by fStop.
Close up female cancer patient receiving chemotherapy treatment
Young Woman Blowing her Nose SneezingYouworkforthem286304Young Woman Blowing her Nose Sneezing is a stock photo by fStop.
$50.00 In stock2025-02-25
Young Woman Blowing her Nose Sneezing
Young Woman Blowing her NoseYouworkforthem286303Young Woman Blowing her Nose is a stock photo by fStop.
$50.00 In stock2025-02-25
Young Woman Blowing her Nose
Manual therapist doing manual adjustment on patient spineYouworkforthem284169Manual therapist doing manual adjustment on patient spine is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Manual therapist doing manual adjustment on patient spine
Professional osteopath manipulating arm of patientYouworkforthem284183Professional osteopath manipulating arm of patient is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Professional osteopath manipulating arm of patient
Osteopath stretching neck of client during treatmentYouworkforthem284184Osteopath stretching neck of client during treatment is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Osteopath stretching neck of client during treatment
Professional osteopath treating knee of woman in clinic roomYouworkforthem284185Professional osteopath treating knee of woman in clinic room is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Professional osteopath treating knee of woman in clinic room
Female osteopath treating leg of patientYouworkforthem284078Female osteopath treating leg of patient is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Female osteopath treating leg of patient
Crop osteopath doing manipulations on leg of womanYouworkforthem284079Crop osteopath doing manipulations on leg of woman is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Crop osteopath doing manipulations on leg of woman
Crop masseuse kneading shoulder of clientYouworkforthem284083Crop masseuse kneading shoulder of client is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Crop masseuse kneading shoulder of client
Female client receiving treatment in physiotherapy clinic from osteopathYouworkforthem284072Female client receiving treatment in physiotherapy clinic from osteopath is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Female client receiving treatment in physiotherapy clinic from osteopath
Focused masseuse doing physiotherapy to unrecognizable clientYouworkforthem284077Focused masseuse doing physiotherapy to unrecognizable client is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Focused masseuse doing physiotherapy to unrecognizable client
Female osteopath treating back and shoulders of patientYouworkforthem283911Female osteopath treating back and shoulders of patient is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Female osteopath treating back and shoulders of patient
Crop masseuse checking breast of client for cancerous lumpYouworkforthem283914Crop masseuse checking breast of client for cancerous lump is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Crop masseuse checking breast of client for cancerous lump
Woman applying kinesiological tape on neck of clientYouworkforthem283847Woman applying kinesiological tape on neck of client is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Woman applying kinesiological tape on neck of client
Focused osteopath massaging back of female client sitting on bed in clinicYouworkforthem283848Focused osteopath massaging back of female client sitting on bed in clinic is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Focused osteopath massaging back of female client sitting on bed in clinic
Masseuse doing massage to woman in salonYouworkforthem283863Masseuse doing massage to woman in salon is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Masseuse doing massage to woman in salon
Physiotherapist massaging waist of client at clinicYouworkforthem283866Physiotherapist massaging waist of client at clinic is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Physiotherapist massaging waist of client at clinic
Osteopath massaging waist of patient during treatment sessionYouworkforthem283638Osteopath massaging waist of patient during treatment session is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Osteopath massaging waist of patient during treatment session
Female osteopath rubbing back of patientYouworkforthem283639Female osteopath rubbing back of patient is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Female osteopath rubbing back of patient
Crop masseuse kneading back of client in hospital roomYouworkforthem283640Crop masseuse kneading back of client in hospital room is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Crop masseuse kneading back of client in hospital room
Woman applying soothing kinesiology tape on neck of clientYouworkforthem283642Woman applying soothing kinesiology tape on neck of client is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Woman applying soothing kinesiology tape on neck of client
Woman getting spinal massage in clinicYouworkforthem283488Woman getting spinal massage in clinic is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Woman getting spinal massage in clinic
Crop beauty therapist applying massage pen on ear of female client in salonYouworkforthem283493Crop beauty therapist applying massage pen on ear of female client in salon is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Crop beauty therapist applying massage pen on ear of female client in salon
Crop masseuse rubbing oily skin of client during body massage in clinicYouworkforthem283504Crop masseuse rubbing oily skin of client during body massage in clinic is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Crop masseuse rubbing oily skin of client during body massage in clinic
Crop masseuse applying kinesiological tape while massaging back of clientYouworkforthem283506Crop masseuse applying kinesiological tape while massaging back of client is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Crop masseuse applying kinesiological tape while massaging back of client
Cheerful standing young woman speaking to adult lady pharmacistYouworkforthem283511Cheerful standing young woman speaking to adult lady pharmacist is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Cheerful standing young woman speaking to adult lady pharmacist
Druggist talking with client before measuring blood pressure in pharmacyYouworkforthem283512Druggist talking with client before measuring blood pressure in pharmacy is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Druggist talking with client before measuring blood pressure in pharmacy
Crop doctor checking sugar level of patient in clinicYouworkforthem283513Crop doctor checking sugar level of patient in clinic is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Crop doctor checking sugar level of patient in clinic
Relaxed woman getting neck treatment in osteopathy clinicYouworkforthem283348Relaxed woman getting neck treatment in osteopathy clinic is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Relaxed woman getting neck treatment in osteopathy clinic
Crop osteopath massaging stomach of patient on couchYouworkforthem283349Crop osteopath massaging stomach of patient on couch is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Crop osteopath massaging stomach of patient on couch
Female osteopath doing shoulder blade therapy on patientYouworkforthem283350Female osteopath doing shoulder blade therapy on patient is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Female osteopath doing shoulder blade therapy on patient
Female osteopath pulling hands of womanYouworkforthem283351Female osteopath pulling hands of woman is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Female osteopath pulling hands of woman
Professional masseuse massaging back of clientYouworkforthem283352Professional masseuse massaging back of client is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Professional masseuse massaging back of client
Professional masseuse folding leg of female client during body massageYouworkforthem283358Professional masseuse folding leg of female client during body massage is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Professional masseuse folding leg of female client during body massage
Crop masseuse massaging back of client in clinicYouworkforthem283360Crop masseuse massaging back of client in clinic is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Crop masseuse massaging back of client in clinic
Crop masseuse massaging breast of female client at clinicYouworkforthem283365Crop masseuse massaging breast of female client at clinic is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Crop masseuse massaging breast of female client at clinic
Crop chiropractor massaging ear of woman during auriculotherapy in beauty salonYouworkforthem283368Crop chiropractor massaging ear of woman during auriculotherapy in beauty salon is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Crop chiropractor massaging ear of woman during auriculotherapy in beauty salon
Auriculotherapy treatment on female ear with flexible massage brass ear penYouworkforthem283369Auriculotherapy treatment on female ear with flexible massage brass ear pen is a stock photo by Javier Sanchez Mingorance.
Auriculotherapy treatment on female ear with flexible massage brass ear pen
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