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90 Products
Based near Bristol, UK, Christopher King is a Graphic Designer specialising in hand-drawn lettering for film and television titles. Acting as both portfolio and Font Foundry, Wingsart Studio offers custom type design for clients around the world, along with a growing library of ready-made fonts available to all.
293 Products
A passionate designer based in England, Graphic Bam Fonts began exploring the world of typography as a creative outlet that quickly evolved into a thriving side project. I craft unique, original fonts that stand out for their distinctive character and versatility. My goal is to create typefaces that inspire and enhance creative work across all mediums, ensuring that there's something for everyone to enjoy. Bold, fun and quirky is the theme for all my creations. All fonts come as .TTF or .OFT
33 Products
TOMO Fonts is a small digital type foundry. We design and build original typefaces and custom font services ✍
45 Products
Typo Gra­phic Design ■ type design & visual com­mu­ni­ca­tion. A young and inde­pen­dent font foundry from Manuel Vier­gutz based in Ger­many, Ber­lin. Design of digi­tal type­face in the form of deco­ra­tive fonts for play­ful head­lines or exclu­sive type­faces as a cor­po­rate font for bran­ding. Catchy, indi­vi­dual type­faces with per­so­nal, strong cha­rac­ter. From strictly geo­me­tri­cally con­struc­ted over rouge & dirty to free, hand­made and expe­ri­men­tal type­faces. Fresh & stri

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