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Apple ProRes Codec
2560 x 1536px
78 MB
24 fps
10 Seconds
mov - Prores Codec
2560 x 1536px
78 MB
24 fps - 10 Seconds

This stock video features an abstract 3D rendering of milk splashing, showcasing fluid dynamics in motion. Ideal for use in modern designs, visual effects projects, and motion graphic animations.

Additional Information: This video showcases a liquid and white fluids theme with dynamic background motion. The flowing, smooth textures create an elegant and visually captivating experience, ideal for projects that require a clean, modern aesthetic with a focus on fluidity and movement.

This product was generated using Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Posted on Aug 21, 2024



This stock video features an abstract 3D rendering of milk splashing, showcasing fluid dynamics in motion. Ideal for use in modern designs, visual effects projects, and motion graphic animations.

Additional Information: This video showcases a liquid and white fluids theme with dynamic background motion. The flowing, smooth textures create an elegant and visually captivating experience, ideal for projects that require a clean, modern aesthetic with a focus on fluidity and movement.

This video was created using Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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If you're planning on using the product for any large volume, video games, commercial or broadcast use, you may need to purchase a license extension. if you have any questions or would like to request a quote, we are available 24/7.

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